Hiding the self and social anxiety: The Core Extrusion Schema measure. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: Multiple sources of evidence suggest that problematic social anxiety should be related to attempts to hide aspects of the self from others, but no specific measures are available to assess this phenomenon. A self-report measure, the Core Extrusion Schema measure (CES) was developed to measure aspects of self-concealment that should be related to social anxiety, including perceived present rejection, belief that one’s true self would be socially rejected, attempts to hide one’s true self, and attempts to avoid scrutiny. I
Measurement of ambivalent versus engagement after aversive social experiences. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: We describe two ways that participants may react to their internal experiences subsequent to stressful interpersonal interactions: Ambivalent engagement, consisting of attempts to avoid or dismiss the experiences arising from memories of the situation, and purposeful engagement, consisting of effortful attempts to approach the memories and internal experiences associated with the event.
The effects of different types of goal pursuit on experience and performance during a stressful social task. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: Researchers have recently suggested that anxiety research may benefit from the examination of motivational factors, such as the difference between approach and avoidance goals. This suggestion is consistent with the literature on self regulation, which indicates that affect serves as feedback for goal pursuit, with anxiety primarily providing feedback regarding avoidance.
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