Does centrality in a cross-sectional network suggest intervention targets for social anxiety disorder? (Links to an external site)
Objective: Network analysis allows us to identify the most interconnected (i.e., central) symptoms, and multiple authors have suggested that these symptoms might be important treatment targets. This is because change in central symptoms (relative to others) should have greater impact on change in all other symptoms. It has been argued that networks derived from cross-sectional data may help identify such important symptoms. We tested this hypothesis in social anxiety disorder.
The behavioral economics of social anxiety disorder reveal a robust effect for interpersonal traits. (Links to an external site)
Recent evidence suggests that reduced generosity among individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) in behavioral economic tasks may result from constraint in changing behavior according to interpersonal contingencies. That is, people with SAD may be slower to be more generous when the situation warrants.
Unreliability as a threat to understanding psychopathology: The dot-probe task as cautionary tale. (Links to an external site)
The use of unreliable measures constitutes a threat to our understanding of psychopathology, because advancement of science using both behavioral and biologically oriented measures can only be certain if such measurements are reliable. Two pillars of the National Institute of Mental Health’s portfolio-the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative for psychopathology and the target engagement initiative in clinical trials-cannot succeed without measures that possess the high reliability necessary for tests involving mediation and selection based on individual differences.
Clarifying the behavioral economics of social anxiety disorder: Effects of interpersonal problems and symptom severity on generosity. (Links to an external site)
Social anxiety disorder is associated with lower interpersonal warmth, possibly explaining its associated interpersonal impairment. Across two samples, we attempted to replicate previous findings that the disorder’s constraint of interpersonal warmth can be detected via behavioral economic tasks.
Social anxiety and friendship over time. (Links to an external site)
High social anxiety in adults is associated with self-report of impaired friendship quality, but not necessarily with impairment reported by friends. Further, prospective prediction of social anxiety and friendship quality over time has not been tested among adults.
Self and friend’s differing views of social anxiety disorder’s effects on friendships. . (Links to an external site)
Social anxiety disorder is known to be associated with self-report of global friendship quality. However, information about specific friendships, as well as information beyond self-report, is lacking. Such information is crucial, because known biases in information processing related to social anxiety disorder render global self-ratings particularly difficult to interpret.
Interpersonal impairment conferred by generalized social anxiety disorder is evident on a behavioral economic task. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: Although social anxiety disorder appears to confer interpersonal impairment in friendships, evidence beyond self-report is minimal. We used the flexible iterated prisoner’s dilemma as a simulated interaction with a friend to determine whether generalized social anxiety disorder conferred constrained behavior characterized by low warmth (coldness), nonassertiveness, and reduced responsiveness.
The interpersonal problems of the socially avoidant: Self and peer shared variance. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: We demonstrate a means of conservatively combining self and peer data regarding personality pathology and interpersonal behavior through structural equation modeling, focusing on avoidant personality disorder traits as well as those of two comparison personality disorders (dependent and narcissistic).
Social phobia and perceived friendship quality. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: Although it is clear that people with social phobia have interpersonal impairment, evidence that social phobia (as opposed to other mental disorders) affects friendship in particular is lacking. Two large epidemiological datasets were used to test whether diagnosis of social phobia is related to perceived friendship quality above and beyond perceived family relationship quality, diagnosis of other mental disorders, and a variety of demographic variables.
Thinking about social situations: The moderated effects of imposing structure. (Links to an external site)
Abstract: Previous research indicates that people with social anxiety disorder tend to experience escalating distress when thinking about past social situations. We investigated whether such distress could be limited by either an intervention or the participant’s pre-existing abilities.
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